Heat Pump Applications
Heat pumps can provide an energy-efficient method of heating buildings while also playing a key role in mitigating climate change.AIR-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS ARE BEST
Air is all around us and a freely available energy source. It provides considerable flexibility and requires no special bureaucratic approval processes. Air-source heat pumps can be used as the heat source in monovalent systems or as a component of multivalent heating systems (in combination with water or geothermal energy, for example). Where multiple sources are combined, the air-source heat collectors can also be used to regenerate the geothermal probes in summer, offering considerable potential for optimizing costs and enhancing system efficiency.
Our product portfolio comprises a wide range of models that are designed for use with different media such as NH₃, CO₂, propane and glycol. To meet the particularly high demands of sensitive applications, we place a special focus on quiet operation, footprint, airflow routing, operating safety and, where applicable, corrosion prevention.
We help you design and plan large-scale heat pumps for commercial and industrial applications in residential areas, office complexes, shopping centers, schools and manufacturing facilities. We also offer effective solutions for large-scale district heating projects.

Air-to-water heat pumps can be installed almost anywhere, depending on the system design. Scandinavia currently leads the way in this area. However, from a coefficient of performance perspective, there is considerable potential for the use of heat pumps in other countries across Europe (those with a high seasonal COP).
Heat pumps can be used all year round to heat domestic hot water, providing considerable energy and CO₂ savings. In addition, they can be integrated into the traditional building supply system, for cooling in summer or heating in winter (bivalent or multivalent applications).
Used in combination with renewable energy sources, heat pumps have the potential to save large amounts of CO₂ emissions.

Disclaimer (Graphic): In order to correctly assess the potential in a climate zone, the seasonal performance factor can be considered. It represents the possible energy efficiency of the entire system over the complete heating & cooling period. Usable energy output compared to the required drive power. DIN EN 15316-4 serves as a basis.